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The Art of Natural Solution

El Arte de la Naturaleza, El Arte de la Ciencia



Hawthorn Flower-APD
Nombre INCI _ Crataegus Monogyna Flower Extract

Nombre común | hawthorn, one-seed hawthorn

Nombre Científico Crataegus monogyna

Parte usada Flower

Compuestos activos conocidos Quercetin 3-O-gluoside, caffeoylquinic acid, apigenin

Beneficios potenciales en cosméticos | anti-oxidant

Nombre del producto | Hawthorn Flower-APD, Hawthorn Flower-ANB



Historia de la Planta 

Crataegus monogyna, called common hawthorn, one-seed hawthorn, or single-seeded hawthorn, is a thorny flowering plant native to Europe, northwestern Africa, and western Asia. Hawthorn has long been a popular hedge plant to contain livestock. The flowers are white to pinkish in color. These fragrant flowers are edible and have been used in teas, syrups, and sweet puddings. The flowers and berries of hawthorn have been used in folk medicine as a heart tonic.


Hawthorn flowers are a source of phenolic compounds. Quercetin 3-O-gluoside was identified as the predominant phenolic compound, and other compounds such as caffeoylquinic acid derivatives and apigenin derivatives were also found. Moreover, hawthorn flowers showed anti-oxidant activities by scavenging ABTS, DPPH, and superoxide anion, as well as metal chelating and reducing power assays.