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The Art of Natural Solution

The Art of NATURE, The Art of SCIENCE



Coltsfoot Flower-APD
INCI name _ Tussilago Farfara (Coltsfoot) Flower Extract

Common names | coltsfoot

Scientific name | Tussilago farfara

Used part | Flower

Known active compounds | tussilagone, apigenin, luteolin

Potential benefits in cosmetics | anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin brightening

Product name | Coltsfoot Flower-APD, Coltsfoot Flower-ANB



Plant Story

Tussilago farfara, commonly known as coltsfoot, is a perennial flowering plant native to Europe and Asia. It is known for its yellow, dandelion-like flowers that appear before the leaves. The large, heart-shaped leaves resemble a colt’s foot, and the plant’s name came from it. Medicinally, the leaves and flowers were used to soothe coughs, sore throats, and respiratory issues in both western and eastern traditional herbal medicines.


Various phytochemicals have been isolated from coltsfoot including sesquiterpenes, triterpenoid, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, chromones and its derivatives, and alkaloids. Among them, tussilagone is one of the main bioactive components in coltsfoot flower. As for the flavonoids, apigenin and luteolin were isolated from the extract of flower and stem. Tussilagonone and tussilagone, sesquiterpenoids isolated from coltsfoot, showed anti-inflammatory activities. Many research articles demonstrated the anti-oxidant and anti-microbial activities of coltsfoot flower extracts.